Sunday, December 14, 2008

Science Class 12/8 week

On Monday, in class we made a hypothesis that said when we studied the big mountain chain on the maps, when the two plates collided the plates sprouted upward and created mountains.  Also, over time water and wind have decreased the height of the mountain.  Then for homework we had to answer the question that said can chemicals also affect a mountain.  Our group said that it could because if there was acid rain, and there were rock types in the mountain that were vulnerable to a chemical reaction, then it would change.  Then, on Thursday we had a quiz on topography.  Finally, on Friday we conducted an investigation with chalk and hydrochloric acid.  We had 3 different sizes of chalk in 3 seperate bowls, and we poured the acid into it, and it kept bubbling for almost 15 minutes.



-Conor P.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Week of 12/1 Sience Class Overview

Last week in science class, we started our new geology section. On wednesday, we started to put together the map of the Passaic River route to the Atlantic Ocean. We learned that on each corner of each of the papers, it showed of the name that was in that direction. Once we put it all together, we took a picture and uploaded it so we could study it. We then looked at which major occurances there were and also what they could be. This all is trying to get us to look at maps, and be able to describe what could have made them, or what is happening right now.